Djuna, 11 months |
Djuna's first birthday just a month away, can you believe it?!
It's funny to look back at this post and think about those last weeks before Djuna was born, when it was still just the 3 of us.
Djuna at 11 months is walking and getting into everything. Her vocabulary consists of uh oh, Dada, and Mama, in that order. She loves seeing dogs, but seems to be allergic to them. She's still plagued by eczema on her hands and ankles, despite my heroic attempts (they have helped some) at excluding dairy, nuts, and tomatoes from my diet, and putting ointments on her throughout the day. She has 8 teeth, and an underbite to boot. She likes waving goodbye. She loves watching, toddling after, and touching Stella. She is watchful and a bit serious but has a smile that lights up the room.
And her hair has come in! Or perhaps that's been the case for a while and I'm only now noticing her blond hairs? I can't wait to meet this little Djuna.
And she's walking!!!!
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