
final stretch

A few weeks ago; at 33 weeks with my girl
We're in the final stretch. Literally. At almost 38 weeks, I can feel my skin giving a last stretch as it gets pushed and elbowed from the inside. I'm achy, constant pelvic bone pain is just painful, and ripe with complaints, especially at the end of the day when my belly feels the heaviest and I'm just. so. tired. Most days it's hard to summon the energy to walk up and down our stairs or sit uncomfortably (again with the pelvic bone pain!) on the floor with Stella and build a Lego empire. So it is no wonder I am neglecting this blog.

How funny to look back to the end of my pregnancy with Stella when I wrote this about the end of our life as a twosome. I'm already getting a little nostalgic for our days as a family of three. No doubt once our new girl arrives, imagining a life without her will seem so bizarre. These days, when we go places without Stella it feels as if I'm missing my heart... though when I am alone, it is still natural to be just myself, walking through errands or eating meals without a toddler appendage. 

Our life is about to change once again, in ways that we are anticipating but cannot fully comprehend, and I am so ready. I am beyond ready to not be pregnant anymore. I am ready to be back in regular, normal-fitting clothes. I am ready to wake up without back/foot/bone pain. I am ready to have this birth experience behind me. I am ready to meet our new girl.


  1. Sending lots of energy and love your way. I love this picture of you and Stella.

  2. Ana de Kreutz7/02/2013 12:41 PM

    You are star, a brave woman, and a wonderful mother! Sending you energy and love your way too!

  3. Thanks Lank, I hope you're at home enjoying the new arrival!
    You are so sweet, Ana. Thanks for sending good energy and love our way!
