
one line a day

Happy New Year!

One of my resolutions for 2011, among a few (including starting a vegetable garden and reading more, oh yes, and sleeping more), is to record this first year of Stella's life so that some day she can look back and read about what we did, where we went, and who we saw. One of the gifts we received at Stella's birth was the One Line A Day journal, published by Chronicle Books where I worked up until this past November.

I've never been one to keep a journal, so this is my kind of memory book. You write one line a day, and if possible keep writing one line a day for five years. At the end of five years, you have a book of life's snippets and can look back on all your mundane and extraordinary days.

I'm only 3 days in, but so far so good!

What are some of your 2011 resolutions?


  1. My New Years Resolution is to spend every available minute possible with Stella, Jorden and You! I like the journel idea, keep it up.

  2. spending all the time possible with stella, you and jordan! keep journaling!

  3. Make Exercise a Habit. That's my resolution. Oh and see H&J&S.

    And others. Still working on formulating them into sentences.

  4. Great resolutions! I like that they all involve visiting with us!
