
happy friday!

What are you doing this weekend?

I am hoping that this weekend I will be consumed with laziness (after traveling the past two weekends, first to Mexico City, and then to New Mexico, I'm ready to spend time around the house in my jams). And I'm also hoping that I won't wake up at 6am all excitable and asking what the plan is for the day. (Yes, I do this regularly). (Yes, I do this on Saturday + Sunday). (Yes, I know). (I need to stop).

[image found on flickr]

Since spring has almost arrived in the Bay Area, a picnic (complete with books and bakesale betty's fried chicken sandwiches) might just be in order.


  1. Mmmm...Bakesale Betty's.....mmmm.
    Happy weekend! xo

  2. Last weekend I VEGAS BABY VEGAS, this weekend I opposite and camp. Camping baby camping?
