
all is possible

Oh, hey there.

After reading this blog post about the death of the blog back in December, I took stock. Did I enjoy blogging? Sometimes. Do people read/enjoy my blog? Yes, a few. Do I have time to commit to writing and curating in this way? Sometimes; though most of my internet activity happens on my phone and most typing is done with one hand while nursing...which is why Instagram is so satisfying these days. As my posts were getting less and less frequent, I figured a full break from the blog might be in order. And it was so easy to just stop.

Then on Friday night Jordan sat down at the dinner table and said "I need to have a serious talk with you." My heart dropped. "About your blog," he continued. I laughed. Oh, blog... He then proceeded to guilt encourage me to start writing again. For myself. For our girls. As a testament to this life we live together. I listened. So here I am.

Spring has arrived in Oakland, and with it the possibility of a new season. In the spirit of spring, I'm sharing Dvořák's Quartet #12 (the American String Quartet), which I heard on the radio this morning, and which has always filled me a happy wonder and sense that all is possible.


  1. Thank you Jordan, I have really missed reading this blog.

  2. Well hello there.....I've been wondering when you would return......so happy you are back at it!

  3. I am glad that Jordan had this tough love talk with you.

  4. I agree I agree - welome back and yay!

  5. Thanks for all the kind words. It's feeling nice to be back...

  6. Hooray! Missed hearing from you and getting garden updates, book recs, sandal shares, kid pics and general east bay dispatch!

    1. But consider no captcha on comments? So hard one handed! :)

  7. Good call on the comments, Ashley. ;)
