
period of adjustment

We are in the middle of a big period of adjustment... Djuna's arrival. Stella starting preschool in September.

Over the past few weeks we've seen more Stella meltdowns than ever before. Overall, Stella is handling Djuna's presence beautifully. She gives her kisses and loves, and so far she hasn't asked us to send her back. But she loses her shit over the smallest things. Developmentally, Stella is right on track. She desperately desires routine and predictability. She wants to be heard and understood but allowed to change her mind at will. Her world is in upheaval and she is doing her best to find her footing, connect with us, and have her voice heard amidst the chaos.

Getting them to both nap at the same time is proving to be a challenge. Yesterday it took me two hours to get Stella to fall asleep in the afternoon. On Friday I finally gave up after an hour and a half of trying, which culminated in Stella chanting "Mommmmyyyyy" in her room over and over and over again and Djuna puking breast milk all over me and our bed. Ah, the glories of parenthood.

So while we adjust and work towards some kind of balance, I might be less present here on this old blog. But I'll be back...


  1. Hannah - this all sounds SO familiar. Isn't it amazing how 'easy' infants seem in comparison to their toddler siblings? Schedules will get easier for you, week by week, at least. It all gets better and is definitely beautiful, but so messy! Thinking of you guys!

  2. Thanks Krista! You're right, infant Djuna seems so easy in comparison to toddler Stella. Ha! Would love for our broods to meet. Let us know if you're out in the Bay Area, and we'll keep you posted on any DC visits...
