
today could be the day

Tomorrow marks the start of week 41 of my pregnancy. Yes, as of this morning I am still pregnant. For the past two weeks I've woken up earlier than usual, usually with the realization "oh, shit... my labor hasn't happened already?" And then I give myself a little pep talk and think "today could be the day! Tomorrow I will wake up and get to hold our new girl..." And then I wake up still pregnant and facing down the hardest thing I've ever had to do, the thing I promised myself I would never do again just minutes after birthing Stella.

So here I am. Another day dawning, and I'm thinking "today could be the day."


  1. Yes, pep talks are essential! I was in this same space 12 weeks ago and it can be rough. But of course, baby knows best and she came when she was good and ready (2 weeks after her estimated due date!) I'm excited for you to meet your little one; she'll be here so soon.

  2. The waiting is the hardest part...
