
oh blog...

Oh blog, you are so neglected.

I'm struggling these days to find the motivation to write here. More often than not I use the few minutes of time to myself to curl up and read instead of spend time on the computer. Maybe it's the gray, rainy weather. Maybe it's that feeling that you put something like a blog post out into the world and it just sits there. Sometimes a little satisfaction comes with an acknowledgement from a friend "I loved that post" or "I bought that because I saw it on your blog!" Other times I feel like a neglectful parent, ignoring the blog and feeling the wonder of my family and friends: "why isn't she posting?"

I was thinking about all this today as I was driving home from an outing. I was thinking about what to post next but also pondering the New York Times' 100 Notable Books of 2012 list. Of the 100 books listed I've read all of half of 1 book. Half of 1 book out of 100. And I call myself a reader?! Yikes. How many have you read?

These days I am gravitating more towards mysteries than literary fiction. The fast-paced action moves me through a book at a quicker clip than plodding emotionalism, experimental plot devices, and over-done descriptions. Years ago, when I only read literary fiction, my friend Melissa would expound on the greatness of a well-written police procedural. I didn't understand at the time. But I do now.

This is all to say that I hope to be a better blogger and a faster reader (so many books so little time, right?).  Because, really, this nightstand book situation is getting a little out of control:

This nightstand book situation is getting a little out of control.


  1. oh I love the suspense of your posts..whether you have or not! anything you give, we'll take!

  2. I missed seeing anything from you these past two weeks. So glad you're back...

  3. :)


    I miss your posts, and YOU, too.

  4. We all wait for and read your posts.

  5. Your blog is the first thing I read every morning. I look forward to your insights and musings on life, love, and your week to week activities. Be kind to yourself....nothing is more important than the care and guidance you are giving Stella and the life you are building with Jordan.

  6. I was reading through that list and feeling very sad that I hadn't even read ONE of those books, half or not. And then, at the very end, was the Jeanette Winterson memoir. I read that! It was fantastic. I also want to read Behind the Beautiful Forever.

    Mysteries are a bit of pure pleasure. Particularly those set in England. I had to put down Possession. I just got bogged down. I swapped it for Denise Mina. I love her female characters.

    Blogs are for you, not for others, in my opinion. If others want to jump on and read, great. Otherwise its a a little piece of expression for you alone.

  7. Well, girrrrl. I love reading your blog. It might feel like it's just sitting out there but I feel like it connects us in at least little teeny ways, even when we are too busy. But yeah, it should be for you. Isn't it sort of a delicious question to ask yourself what you want to write about next?
