
a very merry birthday weekend

I took a brief post-election (yay!), pre-birthday blog hiatus last week. It was a nice, much needed reprieve. My Mom arrived midweek. We went fabric shopping (I'm going to make Stella a Christmas stocking), she accompanied us to Stella's music class, she made us amazing dinners... what a treat! On Saturday night my parents took Stella so that J and I could celebrate my birthday together in the city. We booked ourselves into Hotel Vitale and ate a late dinner at Slanted Door (always a favorite). On Sunday, my parents and Stella met us for coffee and book browsing and brunch at the Ferry Building before venturing over to the California Academy of Sciences. Here's to being 34...
Happy early birthday present to me!
Happy birthday to ME! I treated myself to this Skinny laMinx bag.
Good morning 34! #birthday
Good morning San Francisco
Butterfly gazing
Butterfly gazing
Looking at fishes
Fish gazing
 Did you have a good weekend?


  1. oh happy happy birthday again! so glad you had such a great b-day week...xoxox!

  2. You are so sweet, Mar. Thank you. Can't wait to see you next week! xo
