
michael chabon & brokeland records

Brokeland Records aka Diesel, a Bookstore
Diesel transformed
Dave Eggers introducing Michael Chabon at Diesel, a Bookstore for Chabon's new book Telegraph Avenue
Dave Eggers introducing Michael Chabon
Michael Chabon
Michael Chabon reading from Telegraph Avenue
My dear friend Melissa was in town this week for work which was awesome for me as I really don't get to see her enough because she lives in Portland. In addition to some great meals out (Bar Jules, Axis Cafe, Pizzaiolo) we went to the release party/reading for Michael Chabon's new book Telegraph Avenue. It seemed only natural that we would attend the event given that we met as booksellers at Diesel years ago. As I mentioned in a previous post, Diesel was transformed into Brokeland Records as an homage to the fictional record shop in the book. For the event on Wednesday night the store was PACKED and there was a line of people out the door waiting to be let in to enjoy Chabon's reading from the book, cake and beer, and a raffle for 826 Valencia (soon to set up shop in Oakland!). We went, we listened, we chatted to old friends and regulars of Diesel, and then we went for Pizzaiolo pizza... a darn-near perfect evening.

1 comment:

  1. That was so much fun!! Can't wait to hear what you and J think of the new book.
