
the stories we tell

Sometimes the stories we like telling about our travels are the horrible and/or difficult ones. Like the one when our rental car was broken into while we were on a beach in North Spain or when we were rear-ended in Barcelona by a German tourist and I had to be taken to the women's hospital in an ambulance because I was 6 months pregnant with Stella. Or the time when we were in Mexico a few years ago and ran out of money and were digging in the seats looking for loose change to pay the toll back to Mexico City. When we're in the moment and everything looks bleak Jordan usually says "this will make a great story!"

When we describe the quick weekend trip we just took down to Mexico City, no doubt the story we tell will the one about me getting food poisoning. I made the mistake of eating one bite of shrimp (after which Jordan said, "ohh I don't know that I would have eaten that." Thanks for the warning darlin'.) at the wedding party on Saturday night and I woke up Sunday not feeling quite right. By the time we got to the airport Sunday at noon I could barely walk I was so dizzy. I sat down on the ground in the airport and puked multiple times into a bag. I was shivering and so lightheaded that the airport doctor came to check me out. He told Jordan that my blood pressure was so dangerously low that unless we could get it to a normal place they wouldn't allow me on the plane. And that he was going to give me a shot of something to calm my stomach. He sent Jordan to the airport pharmacy to pick up some antibiotics and proceeded to wheel me through security and into his medical office. He hooked me up to the oxygen tank and gave me a shot in the side. My shivering subsided and I was able to stomach a whole bottle of Gatorade before walking down to the plane unassisted (which I had to do so they would let me on the flight). I took the antibiotics as soon as we sat down but started to feel nauseous again in minutes. As the plane taxied down the runway I puked two more times, much to the fascination of the two girls sitting across the aisle from us. Good times!

Thankfully, I am on the mend and off to bed early to snuggle with my girl and get some rest...


  1. Rough stuff lady! Feel better stoon.

  2. When I had food poisoning on the way back from Portugal, my only thought was: I can cross this one off the list of worst possible travel stories.

    Consider yourself immune from food poisoning while traveling forever!

  3. Bummer! Food poisoning is hell on earth. Sorry your trip ended that way. But! You two are magnificent in your wedding guest attire.
