
stella at 14 months

Just going for a bee ride.
Stella on her bee. "Cuz that's how Stells rolls!" -Anners
Stells is officially a toddler. She's a walking, talking fool. Well, that's not totally true. She's a walking, babbling fool. Her verbal vocabulary is limited (bye = byez, eye = eyez, Mamamamamama = yours truely, Dada = her Dad, woof = dog, noynoynoynoynoy = a very emphatic no) but she's understanding more and more. When I ask her to pick out a book to read she goes over to her book box or the book shelf and makes a selection. When asked to locate the moon she looks up at the sky (or the ceiling which has to be confusing, right?). If we ask her to find Tiger (her favorite stuffed animal) she looks hard until she finds him. Kisses and hugs are then bestowed upon Tiger.

Her favorite thing to eat is still breastmilk, though white wine coq au vin is a hit. She's also a fan of greek olives, grilled salmon, quesadillas with avocado, orzo with feta and roasted bell peppers, toast, guacamole and refried black beans, and steel cut oatmeal with blueberries, apricot, and prunes. Her appetite for food is not as robust as it could be considering how often she still nurses, but her palate is eclectic.

Stella's current nicknames include Stells, The Bug, Buggy, Buggy Lee, Buggles, Monkey, and Stellabells.

A few of Stella's other favorite things: going to the park everyday with her friends, going down the slide, bath time, storytime at the library, The Wheels on the Bus, animal noises, being tickled under her chin, stomping her feet, climbing the stairs, waving at people, saying bye (byez), looking for birds and squirrels, being outside, and dancing to anything with a beat. Oh yes, and walking everywhere.


  1. oh, stella! you are such a sweet and amazing little girl. xox

  2. adorable as adorable can be. can't wait for these girls to start talking up a storm...

  3. Stella the toddler amazes me! Love her to pieces!

  4. Stella of my heart. Thanks for the lovely snapshot of 14 months.

  5. So sweet. Love it.

  6. A girl after my own heart. She loves toast!

  7. Love her version of the emphatic no! Can't wait to meet her.

  8. Ana de Kreutz2/11/2012 4:06 AM

    Oh Stells, you are a darling!
