
happy anniversary to us

On July 10th last year, we put on our finery and waltzed down to City Hall and got married.



I'm not someone who ever wanted a big wedding or a white dress or any of the trappings of marriage. That I like being married as much as I do has surprised and delighted me. I didn't think that marriage would be so different from us living together. But, after living together for 5 years, being married actually did, and still does, make our relationship feel different. We are easier. Spats are quickly dissolved. The foundation of and the future of our trajectory together is clear. It can be hard to capture and recognize happiness, but we are infinitely happier.

As I write this, Jordan is on his way home from a few days working in Portland, and in a few hours I will pick him up from the airport. A chorus of birds is chirping in the oak tree outside our bedroom in our new home. The baby is doing somersaults and stretches in my belly. And tonight we will put on our finery and celebrate our first married year together at Bar Tartine.

Happy anniversary to my love, the Mr. Pants.


  1. Congratulations! What sweet photos!
    Happy anniversary : )

  2. this is so sweet. congrats to one of the loveliest couples i know. xo

  3. this is so beautiful hannah.......thank you for sharing

  4. I am truly so happy for you and Jordan. Happy Anniversary!

  5. Such a lovely description of a happy marriage! Congratulations!
