
overcoming creative block

Scott Hansen over at ISO50 has collected and posted the answers of various creatives on overcoming creative block.

I particularly like the answer of German typographer Erik Spiekermann. His 6 strategies for creating are both simple and smart. So much about the act of creation is finding the trigger, and Spiekermann taps into the triggers that have the potential to work for everyone. I'm really good at #1: Avoid.

There are 6 strategies for this situation:

1. Avoid
Do something else, wash the car, back-up your data, do errands…
2. Think
Sit back and think about the issue, just let your mind go…
3. Research
Look up stuff, go through your old projects, but avoid Google — it takes too long to find anything useful…
4. Collect
We all have lots of stuff; there must be something in there that is waiting to be used…
5. Sketch
Drawing is great, even if you have no talent. Just visualising the simplest things makes them come alive…
6. Deconstruct
Take the problem apart, look at the parts and then put them back together…


  1. This is most excellent. Thank you SO much for posting this. I'm feeling the block shrink as I write this...really.

  2. No. 6 is my secret weapon when I'm truly stuck, re-thinking assumptions/parameters. I have to disagree with the instruction to "avoid Google" (No. 3). Google is the world's biggest lint trap, for sure, but sometimes a little random flotsam is just what you need to get moving in an unexpected direction.

  3. I agree that Google can be that perfect "flotsam" (nice use of the word!) that can lead you off in just the right direction to get the creative juices flowing. I also agree that it can be fully distracting; promoting distraction is a way to avoid. So, win win!
