
mexico city yellow

I'm managing a bout of wanderlust at the moment by dreaming about past trips and travels to come. I fuel these bouts by eyeing the New York Times Travel section every weekend.

The full set of my DF photos can be found on flickr.


  1. Okay, trying again...
    I love this set! Isn't it funny the way that some places in the world are so tied to color? Yellow wouldn't have jumped out at me for Mexico City but we haven't spent enough time there...must go back!

  2. Shayna, you must go back! I think we're going again for a long weekend in early March. It's such a wonderful city. The NYT recently ran a "36 Hours in" piece on Mexico City: http://travel.nytimes.com/2010/01/24/travel/24hours.html

  3. The last picture is the one I want to print up super pretty and put on my wall. I love that picture.
